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Insect That Create Good Atmosphere

Yeah, I know that you will say that most of these photos are photoshopped and it is not how fireflies in the dark really look like and so on… Yes, it’a true, lots of these photos are photoshopped, maybe some are exaggerated, but ask yourselves in the first place when was the las time you saw a firefly? Only one firefly, not the mention the swarm? Even the real photos here may look like fakes, because there are things and phenomenons in nature you simply can’t capture and make it look so credibly… Unless you work in National Geographic, those guys can do anything. But, anyway, I think that one of those uncatchable things are fireflies. I don’t remember seeing them for a looong time myself, I would certainly like to be somewhere surrounded by the nature and fireflies.
insect that create good atmosphere01 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere

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insect that create good atmosphere03 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere04 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere05 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere06 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere07 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere08 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere09 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere10 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere11 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere
insect that create good atmosphere12 Insect That Create Good Atmosphere

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