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Unbelievable Pictures Of Nevada at North America

While watching the following photos attached to this post you might get a feel that you are watching some fake Photoshopped photos but you can be sure that this place is very real, despite it looks opposite.

The Fly Geyser is really incredible piece of nature which will force you to stand for some time and just stare and ask yourself: Are we still on planet Earth?

This mysterious natural phenomena has indeed a look of a place which is more familiar to some scene from sci-fi movies rather than the nature we are used to see. And what makes it even more mysterious is that this geyser is located on private ranch which is owned by a person who does not want to allow the close public access to the place.

Fly Geyser can be found in Gerlach in Washoe County, Nevada at North America. You will find it in Hualapai Flat Walley, about a mile away from the State Route 34. If you give some effort you should even spot it from the road.
Despite the fact that Fly Geyser is located on the private Fly Ranch and rounded with high fence, a lot of people are coming to see this amazing natural phenomena even from a distance. You can get petty close to id by a dirt road and some of the visitors seem to be brave enough to enter the private ranch without permission by climbing over the fence, but we do not recommend you to do that.
Despite its unusual shape, which reminds me on a three lions which are furiously spitting the water, the location isn’t actually much known, even amongst the residents in the nearby towns and places, probably because the private owner is keeping this true treasure only for himself. He decisively refused to sell the property and has denied a plenty of offers from various organizations which would make this place public and accessible for visitors.

Credits: Flickr

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