No doubt, snakes
are the deadliest, venomous creatures, yet are the most beautiful
creation of mother nature. Snakes as always are wonderful species of our
eco system. As like other wild creatures, their existence too is indeed
important to maintain nature's ecological balance. Snakes never attack
humans willingly else they get aggressive only when are hurt or
disturbed without warning. It's their natural wild instinct of
self-defense that force any venomous snake to strike. In fact, as much
as we fear snakes, they too fear humans and other bigger species. Deadly
snakebite is always a worst hazardous accident. Lack of proper medical
treatment on time can cause a major physical damage to an injured, may
even prove fatal. Good knowledge, smart approach and scientific
understanding of top venomous serpents can help us clarify many
misconceptions about these wonderful wild species.
Following snake article provides you brief info on world's top 10 most dangerous / venomous / toxic snakes and also essential tips on, How to avoid a deadly snakebite? Enjoy reading this informative snake article.
Record's Disagreement : Some snake enthusiasts and herpetologists may not agree with above sentence and would either name Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa) or the Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) as having most toxic venom than Belcheri.
Record's Agreement : But present situation is changing, more recent studies and better results of improving experiments have suggested and compelled majority of scientific world to accept 'Hydrophis Belcheri' as the real contender No.1. Even literary world seems to be in agreement with this as many recent encyclopedias says it's 'Hydrophis Belcheri". For example :- To verify this, please refer reputed DK'S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA, Edition 2007, page no. 918, lower bottom under title 'Most Venomous Animals' and read the first sentence. Finally majority always wins and recent researches and new data seems to be in favour of Belcheri, so whether you agree or not, Belcher's Sea Snake remains the most venomous snake on planet earth.
Snake's Names : Its scientific name 'Hydrophis Belcheri' was given by John Edward Gray in 1849 which commemorates the British Naval officer and explorer Sir Edward Belcher (1799-1877). Hydrophis comes from Greek, here 'hydro' = water and 'ophis' = serpent, belcheri comes from latin here 'belonging to man named belcher'. It is also referred as Faint Banded Sea Snake and Belcher's Sea Snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Hydrophis Belcheri is a sea snake. Its scales are different from other snakes and they overlap each other. Dorsal pattern does not extend on to venter, it has scales with a central tubercle. It is highly compressed at the rear end of the body and has a short head. Abdominal board is very narrow or non-existent. Like other sea snakes it also has a paddle-like tail which make him an expert swimmer. It rarely goes on land, eats fish and shellfish. It breaths air, has valves over its nostrils that close underwater. It can hold its breath for as long as 7 to 8 hours while hunting and even sleeping but then has to come over water surface for a quick breath of air. It is a docile specie and not aggressive at all. It is usually active at night. It may deliver a provoked bite only after repeated severe treatment. It usually bites fishermen handling nets but only 1/4th of those bitten are envenomated since Hydrophis Belcheri rarely injects any venom. Few milligrams (mg) of Belcheri's myotoxic venom is enough to kill an estimate of more than 1000 people. If Belcheri injects, sure death within few minutes. Painful death may even take less time depending on victim's body size and time taken by infected blood to reach its vital organs. It is the most toxic venomous specie of snake known to date and holds a record in Guinness Book.
Snake's Length : Hydrophis Belcheri range from 0.5 to 1 metre in length.
Snake's Distribution : Its main habitat is the Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea off north-western coast of Australia. It is also found in seas of Indonesia and the South Pacific, having been recorded in the Philippines near Visayan and Panay islands, Gulf of Thailand, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Fiji, Kiribati, and the Solomon Islands.
Hydrophis Belcheri (Belcher's Sea Snake) is not ranked nor included in my top tens due to its non-terrestrial nature and limited human encounters. Even if it bites it rarely injects any venom, though being most venomous it is not most dangerous at all.
Snake's Description : Generally Taipans are uniformly olive or dark brown, the head is somewhat darker brown.
Snake's Toxic Rank 1 :
Inland Taipan is the world's most venomous land snake. Its bite is synonymous with death. Maximum survival time recorded after Taipan's bite is not more than few hours. Without prompt medical assistance its victim has rarest chance of recovery. Taipans are divided into following five sub-species viz; Western or Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) or (Fierce Snake), Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus s. canni), Common or Coastal Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus), Central Ranges Taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis) and North-West Australian Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus barringeri). Here Inland Taipan (Fierce snake) is the most toxic specie of all. Maximum yield recorded from a single bite of Inland Taipan is 110 mg. Just few mg of Inland Taipan's venom is enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. Australia's Western or Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the world's most toxic terrestrial snake. (Ranked No.1)
Snake's Characteristics : It is considered as the most venomous land snake on earth. Many people believe Taipans are very aggressive but the fact is that they are docile creatures. Yes they have an aggressive disposition only when mishandled or disturbed without warning. When aroused, Taipan can display a fearsome appearance by flattening its head, raising it off the ground, waving it back and forth, and suddenly striking with such speed that the victim may receive several bites before it retreats. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin, causing respiratory paralysis.
Snake's Habitat : At home in a variety of habitats, Inland Taipan are found from the savanna grasslands to the inland dry plains of Australia. Where as 'Oxyuranus scutellatus' are often seen in forests and open woodlands. Very less or no information; regarding newly discovered Central Ranges Taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis).
Snake's Length : Average Taipan's length is 1.8 meters and maximum of 3.7 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Taipans (Oxyuranus scutellatus) are found in Northern Australia and Southern New Guinea. Whereas Inland Taipan (world's most toxic land snake) are found in Central Australia. Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus s. canni) are found in New Guinea.
Snake's Toxic Rank 2 : Comman Indian Krait is world's No.2 venomous snake. It is highly venomous snake after Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus).
Snake's Characteristics : Kraits are found only in Asia. This poisonous snake is of special concern to man. It is 15 times more deadly than any common cobra. It is active at night and relatively passive during the day. The native people often step on kraits while walking through their habitats. The krait has a tendency to seek shelter in sleeping bags, boots and tents. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure. Comman Indian Krait is most venomous snake of indian peninsula. In other words, it is the most venomous snake of India, Sri-Lanka and Pakistan.
Snake's Habitat : Comman Indian Krait's habitat include open fields, human settlements and dense jungle.
Snake's Length : Comman Indian Krait's average length is about 90 centimeters and maximum of 1.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Comman Indian Krait are found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
Snake's Photos : The Comman Indian Krait's photo gallery.
Snake's Toxic Rank 3: Philippine Cobra is the world's No.3 venomous snake. Extremely poisonous snake after Common Indian Krait. Please don't judge this snake on its small size, it is most deadliest snake from Philippine.
Snake's Characteristics : Philippine Cobras are recognized by the hoods that they flare when angry or disturbed. The hoods are created by the extension of the ribs behind the cobras' heads. Philippine Cobras are famous for their use by oriental snake charmers because they respond well to visual cues. Philippine Cobra is Philippines most poisonous snake.
Snake's Habitat : Philippine Cobra's habitat also include open fields, human settlements and dense jungle.
Snake's Length : Philippine Cobra's average length is usually up to 100 centimeters.
Snake's Distribution : As it name says Philippine Cobras are found in Philippine Islands.
Snake's Toxic Rank 4 : Famous Giant King cobra is the world's No.4 venomous snake. Extremely venomous after Philippine Cobra.
Snake's Characteristics : Although King Cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world and it has a disposition to go with this honour, it causes relatively few bites on humans. It appears to have a high degree of intelligence. It avoids attacking another venomous snake for fear of being bitten. It feeds exclusively on harmless species of other snakes. King Cobra usually prefers eating non-venomous species, but if is too hungry may attack other venomous snakes like Common Kraits, other Cobras, and even eat its own specie (i.e Other King Cobras). King Cobra is a cannibal and also eats its own specie. Hence called 'Ophiophagus' which means 'a snake eater'. The female King Cobra builds a nest then deposits her eggs in it. Lying close by, she guards the nest and is highly aggressive towards anything that closely approaches the nest. King Cobras can inject more milligrams (mg) of venom than any other snake. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin. Without prompt medical aid, death is certain for its victims.
Snake's Habitat : King Cobra's habitat includes dense jungle and even cultivated paddy fields.
Snake's Length : King Cobra's average length is 3.5 meters and maximum of 5.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : King Cobras are found in Thailand, Southern China, Malaysia Peninsula, Southern India (especially in rain forests of western ghats) and Philippines.
Snake's Description : Russell Viper has a light
brown body with three rows of dark brown or black splotches bordered
with white or yellow extending its entire length.
Snake's Toxic Rank 5 : Russell's viper is the world's No.5 Venomous snake. Its too a highly venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Russell Viper is a dangerous specie abundant over its entire range. It is responsible for more human fatalities than any other venomous snake. It is irritable. When threatened, it coils tightly, hisses and strikes with such speed that its victim has little chance of escaping. Its hemotoxic venom is a powerful coagulant, damaging tissue and blood cells.
Snake's Habitat : Russell Viper's habitat varies from farmlands to dense rain forests. It is commonly found around human settlements.
Snake's Length : Russell Viper's average length is 1 meter and maximum of 1.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Russell Vipers are found in Sri-Lanka, Southern China, India, Malaysian Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and surrounding islands.
Snake's Description : The Black Mamba, largest of
the species, is uniformly olive to black. It mouth has a black internal
lining. Thus named Black Mamba. There is also another specie of Mamba
called Green Mamba, it looks yellowish-green in colour.
Snake's Toxic Rank 6 : Africa's most feared toxic snake Black Mamba is the world's No.6 venomous snake. Black Mamba is highly toxic and notoriously aggressive.
Snake's Characteristics : The Black Mamba's nickname is "bottom up snake", the victim supposedly has time for one quick drink before death. As said earlier, it is the dreaded snake species of Africa. Treat it with great respect and always stay away from it. Mamba is not only highly venomous but also aggressive and its victim has very little chance to escape from a bite. Its venom is highly neurotoxic. Hence Black Mamba's bite is always 100% fatal if antivenom is not administered quickly. Despite the name this snake is actually brownish-gray in colour. When threatened, it opens its mouth wide and gives the victims a good view of the black internal lining of its mouth. Black Mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, reaching top speeds of 16-19 km/hr in short bursts.
Snake's Habitat : Black Mamba's habitat also varies from farmlands to dense rain forests. It is also commonly found around human settlements and sometimes even on trees.
Snake's Length : Black Mambas can grow up to 4.3 meters in length.
Snake's Distribution : Black Mambas are found in African savannas and open woodlands.
Snake's Description : Yellow-Jawed Tommygoffs are
locally referred to as 'Fer-de-lance' or 'Terciopelo', has variable
coloration, from gray to olive, brown or reddish, with dark triangles
edged with light scales. Triangles are narrow at the top and wide at the
Snake's Toxic Rank 7 : Yellow-jawed Tommygoff is the world's No.7 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : The Yellow-jawed Tommygoff has an irritable disposition and may strike with little provocation. Heat-seeking fangs help it strike accurately even in the dark. This highly poisonous snake is responsible for a high mortality rate. The female fer-de-lance is highly prolific, producing up to 60 newborns. The venom of this species is hemotoxic, extremely painful and hemorrhagic (causes profuse internal bleeding). Its cytotoxic venom also causes massive tissue destruction. See proof in picture below.
Snake's Habitat : Fer-de-lance are found on cultivated land and farms, they often enter houses in search of rodents.
Snake's Length : Average length of Fer-de-Lance is about 1.4 meters and maximum of 2.4 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Yellow-Jawed Tommygoffs or Fer-de-lance are found Southern Mexico, throughout Central and South America.
Snake's Description : Multibanded Krait is black or bluish-black in colour with narrow white bands.
Snake's Toxic Rank 8 : Multibanded Krait is the world's No.8 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : The Multibanded Krait is most active at night. Its venom 'Alpha-Bungarotoxin' is a powerful neurotoxin. Its victims are usually fishermen who untangle these deadly snakes from large fish nets.
Snake's Habitat : Multibanded Kraits are often found in aquatic areas hunting for fish, frogs or other snakes.
Snake's Length : Multibanded Krait's average length is in range of 1.8 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Multibanded Kraits now rare in wild, are most preferred edible snakes in China. Found near islands of Southern China Sea, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Fiji, etc.
Snake's Toxic Rank 9 : Tiger Snake is the world's No.9 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Tiger Snake is a dangerous poisonous snake found in Australia. It is very common and bites many humans in Australia. It has a very potent neurotoxic venom that attacks the nervous system. When aroused, it is aggressive and attacks any intruder. It flattens its neck making a narrow band. Its venom is produced in large quantities, with an average yield 35mg and a record of 180mg.
Snake's Habitat : Tiger Snakes have many habitats from arid regions to human settlements and along waterways to grasslands.
Snake's Length : Tiger Snake has an average length of 1.2 meters and maximum of 1.8 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Tiger Snakes are found in Australia, Tasmania, Bass Strait islands and New Guinea.
Snake's Description : Jararacussu has a light or dark greenish colour on upper body and faint yellow colour at bottom.
Snake's Toxic Rank 10 : Jararacussu is the world's No.10 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Jararacussu may inject a whopping 800 mg of venom per bite. Its single bite has the potential to kill 32 people.
Snake's Habitat : Jararacussus are often found in a spiral state hanging on trees.
Snake's Length : Jararacussu can grow up to 3 meters in length.
Snake's Distribution : Jarararcussus are found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.

Following snake article provides you brief info on world's top 10 most dangerous / venomous / toxic snakes and also essential tips on, How to avoid a deadly snakebite? Enjoy reading this informative snake article.
Note! Please Read This Important Disclaimer ↓
Information below is compiled by referring various
resources (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.) which may or may not be
edited well, verified or accurate in nature. The data below is compiled
by author of this blog. The information below is shared merely for
educational or entertainment purpose. After referring data below, please
do verify its correctness on your own from other valid and authentic
resources, if possible do consult experts e.g. a Herpetologist. Author
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Top 10
Deadliest Snakes Rankings are based on an aggregate study and comparison
of individual snake's toxicity (LD50 test values used), its
personality, body size, recorded human deaths, maximum capacity to
inject a venom
(volume), type of venom, symptoms of bite, victims' medical studies,
new research information, etc. Following list is an outcome of a global
Additional Note :- World's
Top 10 Most Venomous, Toxic Snakes' rankings below are likely to change
in the future with new research and studies. In the following article,
I'm purposefully and constantly using words like 'the most poisonous',
'poisonous', 'the most deadliest', 'deadliest', 'deadly', 'the most
venomous', 'venomous', etc. This is done just to maintain my writing
style, presentation and balance seo of the article. Here all such words
must be considered as a synonym actually saying 'The Most venomous or
Hydrophis Belcheri - Most Venomous Snake
Snake's Record : Inland Taipan is not world's most toxic venomous snake else rightly saying it is terrestrial world's most toxic land snake on earth. Neither it is Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa). Snake which is 100 times more venomous than Taipan, Beaked Sea Snake or any other snake on earth is Hydrophis Belcheri.Record's Disagreement : Some snake enthusiasts and herpetologists may not agree with above sentence and would either name Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa) or the Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) as having most toxic venom than Belcheri.
Record's Agreement : But present situation is changing, more recent studies and better results of improving experiments have suggested and compelled majority of scientific world to accept 'Hydrophis Belcheri' as the real contender No.1. Even literary world seems to be in agreement with this as many recent encyclopedias says it's 'Hydrophis Belcheri". For example :- To verify this, please refer reputed DK'S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA, Edition 2007, page no. 918, lower bottom under title 'Most Venomous Animals' and read the first sentence. Finally majority always wins and recent researches and new data seems to be in favour of Belcheri, so whether you agree or not, Belcher's Sea Snake remains the most venomous snake on planet earth.
Belcher's Sea Snake ( Hydrophis Belcheri )
Snake's Description : Hydrophis Belcheri's thin body is usually chrome yellowish in colour and is surrounded by dark greenish bands. Head is short and has same color as that of bands. Its mouth is very small but suitable for aquatic life. Its body when viewed outside water appears having fainted yellow colour.Snake's Names : Its scientific name 'Hydrophis Belcheri' was given by John Edward Gray in 1849 which commemorates the British Naval officer and explorer Sir Edward Belcher (1799-1877). Hydrophis comes from Greek, here 'hydro' = water and 'ophis' = serpent, belcheri comes from latin here 'belonging to man named belcher'. It is also referred as Faint Banded Sea Snake and Belcher's Sea Snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Hydrophis Belcheri is a sea snake. Its scales are different from other snakes and they overlap each other. Dorsal pattern does not extend on to venter, it has scales with a central tubercle. It is highly compressed at the rear end of the body and has a short head. Abdominal board is very narrow or non-existent. Like other sea snakes it also has a paddle-like tail which make him an expert swimmer. It rarely goes on land, eats fish and shellfish. It breaths air, has valves over its nostrils that close underwater. It can hold its breath for as long as 7 to 8 hours while hunting and even sleeping but then has to come over water surface for a quick breath of air. It is a docile specie and not aggressive at all. It is usually active at night. It may deliver a provoked bite only after repeated severe treatment. It usually bites fishermen handling nets but only 1/4th of those bitten are envenomated since Hydrophis Belcheri rarely injects any venom. Few milligrams (mg) of Belcheri's myotoxic venom is enough to kill an estimate of more than 1000 people. If Belcheri injects, sure death within few minutes. Painful death may even take less time depending on victim's body size and time taken by infected blood to reach its vital organs. It is the most toxic venomous specie of snake known to date and holds a record in Guinness Book.
Snake's Length : Hydrophis Belcheri range from 0.5 to 1 metre in length.
Snake's Distribution : Its main habitat is the Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea off north-western coast of Australia. It is also found in seas of Indonesia and the South Pacific, having been recorded in the Philippines near Visayan and Panay islands, Gulf of Thailand, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Fiji, Kiribati, and the Solomon Islands.
Hydrophis Belcheri (Belcher's Sea Snake) is not ranked nor included in my top tens due to its non-terrestrial nature and limited human encounters. Even if it bites it rarely injects any venom, though being most venomous it is not most dangerous at all.

Inland Taipan ( Oxyuranus Microlepidotus )
- Western or Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus) (Fierce Snake),
- Central Ranges Taipan (Oxyuranus Temporalis),
- North-West Australian Taipan (Oxyuranus Scutellatus Barringeri),
- Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus Scutellatus Canni), and
- Costal Taipan (Oxyuranus Scutellatus Scutellatus).
Snake's Toxic Rank 1 :
Inland Taipan is the world's most venomous land snake. Its bite is synonymous with death. Maximum survival time recorded after Taipan's bite is not more than few hours. Without prompt medical assistance its victim has rarest chance of recovery. Taipans are divided into following five sub-species viz; Western or Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) or (Fierce Snake), Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus s. canni), Common or Coastal Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus), Central Ranges Taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis) and North-West Australian Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus barringeri). Here Inland Taipan (Fierce snake) is the most toxic specie of all. Maximum yield recorded from a single bite of Inland Taipan is 110 mg. Just few mg of Inland Taipan's venom is enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. Australia's Western or Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the world's most toxic terrestrial snake. (Ranked No.1)
Snake's Characteristics : It is considered as the most venomous land snake on earth. Many people believe Taipans are very aggressive but the fact is that they are docile creatures. Yes they have an aggressive disposition only when mishandled or disturbed without warning. When aroused, Taipan can display a fearsome appearance by flattening its head, raising it off the ground, waving it back and forth, and suddenly striking with such speed that the victim may receive several bites before it retreats. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin, causing respiratory paralysis.
Snake's Habitat : At home in a variety of habitats, Inland Taipan are found from the savanna grasslands to the inland dry plains of Australia. Where as 'Oxyuranus scutellatus' are often seen in forests and open woodlands. Very less or no information; regarding newly discovered Central Ranges Taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis).
Snake's Length : Average Taipan's length is 1.8 meters and maximum of 3.7 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Taipans (Oxyuranus scutellatus) are found in Northern Australia and Southern New Guinea. Whereas Inland Taipan (world's most toxic land snake) are found in Central Australia. Papuan Taipan (Oxyuranus s. canni) are found in New Guinea.
Inland Taipan's Streaming Youtube Videos

Comman Indian Krait ( Bungarus Caeruleus )
Snake's Description : Comman Indian Krait is black or bluish-black in colour with white narrow crossbands and a narrow head.Snake's Toxic Rank 2 : Comman Indian Krait is world's No.2 venomous snake. It is highly venomous snake after Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus).
Snake's Characteristics : Kraits are found only in Asia. This poisonous snake is of special concern to man. It is 15 times more deadly than any common cobra. It is active at night and relatively passive during the day. The native people often step on kraits while walking through their habitats. The krait has a tendency to seek shelter in sleeping bags, boots and tents. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure. Comman Indian Krait is most venomous snake of indian peninsula. In other words, it is the most venomous snake of India, Sri-Lanka and Pakistan.
Snake's Habitat : Comman Indian Krait's habitat include open fields, human settlements and dense jungle.
Snake's Length : Comman Indian Krait's average length is about 90 centimeters and maximum of 1.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Comman Indian Krait are found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
Snake's Photos : The Comman Indian Krait's photo gallery.
Comman Indian Krait's

Philippine Cobra ( Naja Philippinensis )
Snake's Description : Philippine Cobra is a relatively small stocky brown snake.Snake's Toxic Rank 3: Philippine Cobra is the world's No.3 venomous snake. Extremely poisonous snake after Common Indian Krait. Please don't judge this snake on its small size, it is most deadliest snake from Philippine.
Snake's Characteristics : Philippine Cobras are recognized by the hoods that they flare when angry or disturbed. The hoods are created by the extension of the ribs behind the cobras' heads. Philippine Cobras are famous for their use by oriental snake charmers because they respond well to visual cues. Philippine Cobra is Philippines most poisonous snake.
Snake's Habitat : Philippine Cobra's habitat also include open fields, human settlements and dense jungle.
Snake's Length : Philippine Cobra's average length is usually up to 100 centimeters.
Snake's Distribution : As it name says Philippine Cobras are found in Philippine Islands.
Philippine Cobra's

King Cobra ( Ophiophagus Hannah )
Snake's Description : King Cobra is uniformly olive, brown or green in colour with rings like cross bands of black.Snake's Toxic Rank 4 : Famous Giant King cobra is the world's No.4 venomous snake. Extremely venomous after Philippine Cobra.
Snake's Characteristics : Although King Cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world and it has a disposition to go with this honour, it causes relatively few bites on humans. It appears to have a high degree of intelligence. It avoids attacking another venomous snake for fear of being bitten. It feeds exclusively on harmless species of other snakes. King Cobra usually prefers eating non-venomous species, but if is too hungry may attack other venomous snakes like Common Kraits, other Cobras, and even eat its own specie (i.e Other King Cobras). King Cobra is a cannibal and also eats its own specie. Hence called 'Ophiophagus' which means 'a snake eater'. The female King Cobra builds a nest then deposits her eggs in it. Lying close by, she guards the nest and is highly aggressive towards anything that closely approaches the nest. King Cobras can inject more milligrams (mg) of venom than any other snake. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin. Without prompt medical aid, death is certain for its victims.
Snake's Habitat : King Cobra's habitat includes dense jungle and even cultivated paddy fields.
Snake's Length : King Cobra's average length is 3.5 meters and maximum of 5.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : King Cobras are found in Thailand, Southern China, Malaysia Peninsula, Southern India (especially in rain forests of western ghats) and Philippines.
Giant King Cobra's

Russell's Viper ( Vipera Russellii )
Snake's Toxic Rank 5 : Russell's viper is the world's No.5 Venomous snake. Its too a highly venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Russell Viper is a dangerous specie abundant over its entire range. It is responsible for more human fatalities than any other venomous snake. It is irritable. When threatened, it coils tightly, hisses and strikes with such speed that its victim has little chance of escaping. Its hemotoxic venom is a powerful coagulant, damaging tissue and blood cells.
Snake's Habitat : Russell Viper's habitat varies from farmlands to dense rain forests. It is commonly found around human settlements.
Snake's Length : Russell Viper's average length is 1 meter and maximum of 1.5 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Russell Vipers are found in Sri-Lanka, Southern China, India, Malaysian Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and surrounding islands.
Russell Viper's

Black Mamba ( Dendroaspis Polylepis )
Snake's Toxic Rank 6 : Africa's most feared toxic snake Black Mamba is the world's No.6 venomous snake. Black Mamba is highly toxic and notoriously aggressive.
Snake's Characteristics : The Black Mamba's nickname is "bottom up snake", the victim supposedly has time for one quick drink before death. As said earlier, it is the dreaded snake species of Africa. Treat it with great respect and always stay away from it. Mamba is not only highly venomous but also aggressive and its victim has very little chance to escape from a bite. Its venom is highly neurotoxic. Hence Black Mamba's bite is always 100% fatal if antivenom is not administered quickly. Despite the name this snake is actually brownish-gray in colour. When threatened, it opens its mouth wide and gives the victims a good view of the black internal lining of its mouth. Black Mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, reaching top speeds of 16-19 km/hr in short bursts.
Snake's Habitat : Black Mamba's habitat also varies from farmlands to dense rain forests. It is also commonly found around human settlements and sometimes even on trees.
Snake's Length : Black Mambas can grow up to 4.3 meters in length.
Snake's Distribution : Black Mambas are found in African savannas and open woodlands.
Black Mamba's

Yellow Jawed Tommygoff ( Bothrops Asper )
Snake's Toxic Rank 7 : Yellow-jawed Tommygoff is the world's No.7 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : The Yellow-jawed Tommygoff has an irritable disposition and may strike with little provocation. Heat-seeking fangs help it strike accurately even in the dark. This highly poisonous snake is responsible for a high mortality rate. The female fer-de-lance is highly prolific, producing up to 60 newborns. The venom of this species is hemotoxic, extremely painful and hemorrhagic (causes profuse internal bleeding). Its cytotoxic venom also causes massive tissue destruction. See proof in picture below.

Snake's Length : Average length of Fer-de-Lance is about 1.4 meters and maximum of 2.4 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Yellow-Jawed Tommygoffs or Fer-de-lance are found Southern Mexico, throughout Central and South America.
Fer-De-Lance Pit Viper's

Multibanded krait ( Bungarus Multicinctus )
Snake's Toxic Rank 8 : Multibanded Krait is the world's No.8 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : The Multibanded Krait is most active at night. Its venom 'Alpha-Bungarotoxin' is a powerful neurotoxin. Its victims are usually fishermen who untangle these deadly snakes from large fish nets.
Snake's Habitat : Multibanded Kraits are often found in aquatic areas hunting for fish, frogs or other snakes.
Snake's Length : Multibanded Krait's average length is in range of 1.8 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Multibanded Kraits now rare in wild, are most preferred edible snakes in China. Found near islands of Southern China Sea, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Fiji, etc.
Banded Krait's

Tiger Snake ( Notechis Scutatus )
Snake's Description : Tiger Snake are olive to dark brown in colour above with yellowish or olive belly and crossbands. Its subspecies in Tasmania and Victoria are uniformly black.Snake's Toxic Rank 9 : Tiger Snake is the world's No.9 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Tiger Snake is a dangerous poisonous snake found in Australia. It is very common and bites many humans in Australia. It has a very potent neurotoxic venom that attacks the nervous system. When aroused, it is aggressive and attacks any intruder. It flattens its neck making a narrow band. Its venom is produced in large quantities, with an average yield 35mg and a record of 180mg.
Snake's Habitat : Tiger Snakes have many habitats from arid regions to human settlements and along waterways to grasslands.
Snake's Length : Tiger Snake has an average length of 1.2 meters and maximum of 1.8 meters.
Snake's Distribution : Tiger Snakes are found in Australia, Tasmania, Bass Strait islands and New Guinea.
Black Tiger Snake's

Jararacussu ( Bothrops Jararacussu )
Snake's Toxic Rank 10 : Jararacussu is the world's No.10 venomous snake.
Snake's Characteristics : Jararacussu may inject a whopping 800 mg of venom per bite. Its single bite has the potential to kill 32 people.
Snake's Habitat : Jararacussus are often found in a spiral state hanging on trees.
Snake's Length : Jararacussu can grow up to 3 meters in length.
Snake's Distribution : Jarararcussus are found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.
So those were, World's Top 10 Most Poisonous,
Venomous, Toxic and infact Deadliest Snakes. Now Let's find out some
practical tips on, How To avoid poisonous snake bites?

Venomous Snakes are widely distributed. They are found in all tropical, subtropical, and most temperate regions. Some species of poisonous snakes have specialized glands that contain a toxic venom and long hollow fangs to inject their venom. Although venomous snakes use their venom to secure food, they also use it for self-defense. Human accidents occur when you don't see or hear the snake, when you step on them, or when you walk too close to them.
Source of following streaming videos is YouTube channel of Expert Village.
For reading my article on 'World's Top 10 Ten Most Poisonous, Venomous,
Deadliest Snakes'. I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Don't kill Snakes. They need our care, protection and respect. Change your perception and think again on preserving this beautiful specie of nature.
Article By : Gaurav Akrani. This Snake Article was revised on 25th March 2011.
The Important Precautions You Must Take To Avoid Venomous Snakebites ↓


Since, Precaution Is Always Better Than Cure.
Venomous Snakes are widely distributed. They are found in all tropical, subtropical, and most temperate regions. Some species of poisonous snakes have specialized glands that contain a toxic venom and long hollow fangs to inject their venom. Although venomous snakes use their venom to secure food, they also use it for self-defense. Human accidents occur when you don't see or hear the snake, when you step on them, or when you walk too close to them.
Follow these simple rules to avoid the chance of accidental snake bites :-
How To Avoid Venomous Snake Bites? Guide ↓
1. How To Avoid Snake Bites? General Tips
2. How To Avoid Snake Bites In Your Backyard?
3. How To Identify A Venomous Snake?
4. How to Identify Coral & King Snakes?
5. How To Handle A Venomous Snake?
6. First Aid Tools For A Snake Attack
7. First Aid If An Adult Is Bitten By Snake
8. First Aid If A Child Is Bitten By Snake
9. First Aid If A Pet Is Bitten By Snake
10.How To Remove Snake Venom By Extractor?
More Useful Tips To Avoid Snakebites ↓
- Don't sleep next to brush, tall grass, large boulders, or trees. They provide good hiding places for snakes.
- Place your sleeping bag in a clearing. Use mosquito netting tucked well under the bag. This netting should provide a good barrier.
- Don't put your hands into dark places such as rock crevices, heavy brush or hollow logs, without first investigating.
- Don't step over a fallen tree, step on the log and look to see if there is a snake resting on the other side.
- Don't walk through heavy brush or tall grass without looking down. Look where you are walking.
- Don't pick up any snake unless you are absolutely positive it is non-venomous.
- Don't pick up freshly killed snake without first severing its head. The nervous system may be still active and a partially dead snake can deliver a deadly bite.
- Even if you see a venomous snake don't panic always be clam, make no sound nor movements and let the creature go its way.
- Never try to kill nor hit snake with stones. In case if you do so, possibility of a jump bite or spitting of venom from snake's self-defense may prove hazardous. Spitting Cobra is very well-known to spit its venom with extreme accuracy. It always target victim's eyes and its venom can cause permanent blindness.
- Always wear hard & tall shoes which could possibly secure legs and resist snake bites.
- Lastly while going for treks or expedition campaigns in national parks do investigate little about that area for any special snake habitat. If it's a home of special specie of venomous snake do carry a proper antivenom with you. In such a case, prior guidance and advise regarding selection of a proper anti-dote from any medical expert is mandatory. Remember! Some people are allergic to antivenom.
A Tribute To Crocodile Hunter, Late Mr. Steve Irwin ↓

Snake Facts, Records For General Knowledge ↓
- During early Cretaceous period (120 million years ago) snakes evolved from lizards-like ancestors and in process of evolution gradually lost their legs.
- Total species of snake in the world are over 2,900 of which approximately 680-700 are venomous.
- Total species of sea snake in the world = 55 of which almost all are venomous with few exceptions like Turtle Headed or 'Emydocephalus Annulatus'.
- Sea snakes venom is more toxic than venom of land snakes.
- 'Hydrophis Belcheri' is most venomous snake specie on planet earth.
- 'Oxyuranus Microlepidotus' or 'Inland Taipan' is most venomous land snake in the world.
- 'Ophiophagus Hannah' or 'King Cobra' or 'Hamadryad' seems most intelligent, huge, gaint and longest (3.65-4.5 metres in length) venomous snake of all.
- 'Black Mamba' is fastest moving (16-19 km/hr) venomous snake in the world. It is fast enough to catch a person on foot at speed of 10-11 km/hr but definitely can't catch a running person as claimed in some african stories.
- 'Black Mamba' is also notoriously most aggressive venomous snake.
- 'Echis Carinatus' (Saw Scale or Carpet Viper) a venomous viper bites and kills more people than any other venomous snake on earth.
- 'Micrurus Fulvius' or Eastern Coral Snake is North America's most venomous snake. It has a potent neurotoxic venom.
- 'Crotalus Scutulatus' or Mojave Rattlesnake is most venomous rattlesnake in the world. This venomous pitviper is also only rattler with neurotoxic venom. It is a native snake of Arizona and California, USA.
- 'Crotalus Adamanteus' or Eastern Diamondback is highest venom yielding rattler in USA and responsible for most human deaths in North America.
- Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake is also heaviest venomous snake in the world. Heaviest recorded weight of one such snake was 15kg (34lb) which measured 2.36m (7ft9in) in length.
- 'Vipera berus' is the only venomous snake found in Britain.
- Namaqua or 'Spotted Dwarf Adder' (Bitis schneideri) is smallest (Avg. 22.8 cms in length) venomous snake in the world.
- 'Leptotyphlops Carlae' a harmless (non-venomous) blind specie of thread snake is the smallest snake in world. It is also called 'Barbados Threadsnake' and has an average length of 10 cms (4 inches).
- Gaboon Viper or 'Bitis gabonica' has longest fangs (about 5 cm in length) in the snake world.
- Highest yield of venom ever recorded was of 'Bothrops Jararacussu' (1530 mg) and Gaboon Viper (350-600 mg). However 1530 mg recorded yield of Jararacussu seems unexceptable as average yield of this specie is around 150 to 200 mg.
- Many people believe that Anacondas found in Amazon rain forest are the longest and largest snakes of all. Some reports even claim that Anacondas growing up to 36.5 metres long do exist. But such claims have never been proved. US President 'Theodore Roosevelt' once declared a prize tag of $5,000 to anybody who could bring the skin or vertebrae of an Anaconda with more than 9 metres length. American Wildlife Conservation Society raised this offer to $50000, but till date this prize remains unclaimed. Hence Reticulated or Regal Python is now considered as the longest snake in the world. Regal Python (or Reticulated Python) has an average length of 10.7 metres. When compared with Regal Python, Anaconda exceed in weight which is up to 230 kgs thus making them heaviest snake specie on planet earth.
- The Scrub Python is Australia's largest snake, growing to a length of 25.5 feet. They are good swimmers and are usually found near water.
- 'Hydrophis Spiralis' is the longest known sea snake growing upto 2.75 m (9ft) in length.
- 'Giganthopis Garstini' is the longest prehistoric snake ever found,
it inhabited Egypt about 38 million years ago. Its remains discovered in
Fayum (western desert) indicate a probable length of 11m (36ft).
However as per latest report published in Nature Journal Magazine this
record is broken. The fossilised remains belonging to the world’s new
largest snake is discovered.Titanoboa
was 13m (42ft) long (about the length of a bus) and lived in the rain forest of north-east Colombia some 58-60 million years ago. - A male Common Boa (Boa Constrictor Constrictor) named 'Popeye' from Philadelphia Zoo (Pennsylvania, USA) was the oldest snake ever lived. It lived for 40 years + 3 months + 14 days and died on 15th April 1977.
- Countries where most people die of snakebites are India and Sri-Lanka in which approximately 20,000 to 50,000 deaths are recorded annually in India alone.
- Ryukyu group of islands between Japan and Taiwan have highest incidence of snakebites in the world. On an average 0.2 percent of population (i.e 1 in every 500 people) is bitten by a snake each year. The snake most blamed for this is 'Trimeresurus flavoriridis' or Okinawa Habu, luckly most of its victims do recover and don't die a painful death.
- Okinawa Habu is a largest Asiatic pit Viper.
- Okinawa Habu is also longest known fasting snake. Experiment conducted by Amami Kango Pit Viper Center in Naze city (Japan) found this specie survived for 3 years plus 3 months without food and most shockingly even regained its full health later when experiment was terminated. This snake have highest stamina to survive without food than any other snake.
- Ilha da Queimada Grande island of Brazil is world's most densely populated snake place on earth. On this uninhabited Snake island there is at least one snake (specie's name is Golden Lancehead) per square meter. This dangerous Snake island is protected by Brazilian navy and any civilian contact to it is prohibited. Video of Ilha da Queimada Grande ↓
- In USA, state which tops most recorded snake bites is Arizona.
- Each year July 16th is celebrated as World Snake Day.
- Country which is home to many toxic venomous species of snake is Australia.
- Snakeless countries and islands were you cannot find any native snakes are Ireland, New Zealand, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and Falkland Islands.
- Antarctica is only snakeless continent in the world.
- Source:- Mahiti Pustika Sarpa Visheshank (Marathi Encyclopedia)
Final Glance On Most Venomous Snakes ↓
- "Follow above safety tips to avoid all possible snakesbites and if by the rarest chance you're bitten then quickly rush to nearby hospital."
- "Always take safety precautions while going for jungle treks or wild expeditions."
- "Though Venomous, snakes as always are wonderful species, their respect is our respect towards nature."
- "Sadly! Yet true. Today very few Snakes can be seen in the wild. Some special species of snakes either have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction."
- "People must give up their habit of drinking snakes' blood and eating their meat. Appeal! Please don't buy any goods made from snakes' skins since if buying stops killing can too."
My Sincere Gratitude To All Snake Lovers ↓
Don't kill Snakes. They need our care, protection and respect. Change your perception and think again on preserving this beautiful specie of nature.
Article By : Gaurav Akrani. This Snake Article was revised on 25th March 2011.
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